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IMO shares the following recommendations from the Joint Action Group with the aim to mitigate impacts of health recommendations on transport keyworkers. Designating transport workers, including seafarers, as keyworkers and ensuring such workers’ needs and challenges are voiced during a pandemic are among the recently published recommendations from a joint United Nations and industry sector action group.

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In its latest part of the “Good Catch” series, lessons learned after a mariner fell on top of a modularized unit, suffering injuries.


The incident


Two mariners were assisting in properly securing cargo that had been loaded on the vessel. The cargo consisted of a series of modularized industrial units.

The mariners were standing on top of one of the units in the cargo hold. They were approximately 10 feet (3 meters) above a cargo hold tank top.

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An incident during which a vessel’s main crane started behaving in an uncontrollable and potentially hazardous way, risking the health of six people.


The incident


When starting up, a vessel’s main crane started behaving in an uncontrollable and potentially hazardous way. The block and hook were hoisted up to the sheave when the auxiliary wire parted due to the forces applied.

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The seaport of Nouakchott, Mauritania, is experiencing problems related to wind and swell, risks of grounding due to unreliable berth depths, harbour infrastructure damage claims, an acceptance of the vessel’s draught survey figures and shortage claims.

More specifically, West Club’s correspondent European Transport and Insurance Consultants brought forward the issues highlighting the following: