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Four seafarers, with assistance from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), have seized a cargo ship off the port of Dakar in Senegal after months without pay and mounting danger to their lives.


The four crew of the MV Onda had been battling to have the engine of their vessel repaired.

Port authorities have ignored their requests for help for more than a year

said ITF.

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Social interaction is a considerable part of seafarers’ wellbeing onboard, as it enhances the sense of belonging and helps crews maintain their morale despite being away from home.


1.Increased workloads – Fatigue (40%)


Long hours of work often in hazardous and stressful conditions, and lack of quality sleep due to shifts can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. This fatigue can impair performance and proper judgement, making seafarers prone to mistakes and putting themselves, others and the environment at risk.

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Three incidents of armed robbery against ships in Asia, one CAT 21 and two CAT 42, were reported between 1-6 February 2023.


All three incidents occurred on board ships while underway in the Singapore Strait on 1 February, 3 February, and 4 February.


Scrap metal was stolen from the barge on tow in one incident, auxiliary engine parts were stolen from a bulk carrier in the second incident, and nothing was stolen in the third incident. In one of the incidents, the duty oiler was tied, while the crew was not injured in the other two incidents.


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IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and EUNAVFOR Operation ATALANTA Commander (OpCdr), Vice Admiral Núñez Torrente, agreed that shipping needs to maintain a high level of awareness in the Western Indian Ocean and follow Best Management Practices (BMP) to deter piracy.


This agreement came following a consultation meeting at IMO headquarters, on 2 February. Since 1 January 2023, the designation of the Indian Ocean High Risk Area (HRA) put in place by the shipping industry has been rescinded, due to the improved piracy situation in the region.