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A consortium of maritime organisations and companies, has launched the 10 Golden Safety Rules to help shipping improve its safety performance.

The Golden Safety Rules were developed by the Together in Safety Coalition following a review of fatal incident reports across all sectors of the shipping industry. They comprise of 10 areas, for every company and every seafarer to adopt in their everyday work to prevent injuries and fatalities. 

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A vessel at sea where they passed a handy-sized bulk carrier and observed a light within one of the cargo cranes, with two of its six hatches open.  At the time, the observed vessel was proceeding at 7 knots in a busy shipping area.

The vessel’s AIS gave the vessel’s port of destination nearby.  While observing the action of the handy-size bulk carrier, the reporter noted that the vessel had changed course to seek shelter in the lee of a nearby island. It was nighttime, and the weather conditions were Beaufort 3, with a significant swell of 1.0 m and a chance of precipitation.

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The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), has released a set of guidelines aimed at improving the transparency of port procedures in Senegalese ports. The guidelines provide detailed information on the necessary documentation required by authorities prior to port calls, as well as the processes for inward clearance. Additionally, the guidelines feature specific instances of fines and common offences that have been reported in the recent past by MACN members.

Vessels which are calling at Senegalese ports should include this guidance document as part of their arrival preparation to prevent any delays and fines imposed by the authorities.

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Exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) – more commonly referred to as scrubbers – are an accepted equivalent measure in complying with the IMO 2020 global sulphur cap. The use of scrubbers has split the shipping industry. Ports around the world continue to look at the impact of scrubber use in their waters.