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Regional conflicts in the Middle East raises the security risk to merchant shipping, in particular vessels transiting the Red Sea and GoA.

Following the renewed intensification of hostilities between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the Iran-backed Yemeni Houthis continue to target vessels transiting the southern Red Sea, Bab-al-Mandeb Strait and the Gulf of Aden.

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From 19 February 2024, the port of Livorno introduced new requirements on the use of ultra-low sulphur fuels for calling vessels.

Law firm and / or Correspondent in Italy, advise that the new requirements are specified in a harbourmaster’s ordinance which was issued at the request of the municipality.

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Civil unrest in Haiti is impacting port operations across the country.

The tensions in Haiti continue to increase and are turning very violent by the ongoing civil unrest situation.

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Vessels are calling at ports in Eastern Asia and Russia Far East between May and October should be inspected and obtain a certification that they are free from Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC) prior to departure.