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The International Marine Organisation (IMO) Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 9), occurring from 27th February to 3rd of March, 2023, completed its review of SOLAS chapter II-2 and associated codes, including the Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code, to minimize the incidence and consequences of fires on board ro-ro passenger ships.

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The current situation in Ukraine is fast moving as dangerous sea areas and changes in the operational status of ports may occur at any time. In that regard, it provides updates as received from its correspondents, advising operators to contact local agents for the latest advice should you have a vessel trading to Ukraine.

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An accident where a crew member suffered a crushed index finger during manual handling of heavy equipment, to provide lessons learned.

The bosun, the deck supervisor and two others were working on disassembling the mobile gantry crane to move it to another location. They successfully took the gantry to pieces and manually moved one of the support legs. They decided to use a pallet trolley to shift the second support leg. They found that they could not get the second support leg (on the pallet trolley) past the first support leg which was blocking the way. So, the deck team attempted to manually reposition the first support leg.

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According to the Italian Coast Guard, a fire broke out in the engine room of the Filippo Lippi ferry of Siremar on March 7th, 3 miles southwest of the island of Salina. The Milazzo Coast Guard’s CP 818 patrol boat of the Milazzo Coast Guard intervened to rescue 5 passengers who were on board.