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One incident of armed robbery against ships in Asia (CAT 4 incident) was reported to between 14 – 20 March 2023.

One incident of armed robbery against ships in Asia (CAT 4 incident). The incident occurred on board a container ship while anchored at Manila Anchorage, the Philippines. The crew was safe and several ship properties were missing.

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Five major organizations involved in global cargo transport have joined forces to create a framework for cooperation that will enhance safety during the movement and handling of goods that have the potential to cause harm to the environment, the workforce, and the cargo itself.

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Although shipping losses have more than halved over the past decade, fires on board vessels remain among the biggest safety issues for the maritime industry. AGCS analysis of over 240,000 marine insurance industry claims between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2021, worth approximately €9.2bn in value, shows that these are the most expensive cause of loss, accounting for 18% of the value of all claims.

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On 20th March, container ship HYUNDAI TOKYO on arrival from Ningbo in full load, struck pier while berthing at Kaohsiung Port.

According to port officials, the speed of the ship was too fast at the moment of contact, and sent a warning by radio before the incident occurred.