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The risk of oil fires onboard as well as measures the crew can implement to prevent them from happening.

The engine room fires are a major hazard on ships. They can cause significant damage to the vessel, endanger the crew and lead to costly delays. The international maritime organisation’s (IMO) research found between 30% and 50% of all fires on merchant ships originate in the engine room and, of those fires, 70% are caused by oil leaks, Britannia adds.

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On August 5th, a Suez Canal tugboat sank after colliding with an LPG tanker, resulting in the death if one of the tugboat’s crew members and injuring six others.

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On 6th August, a person was discovered dead on a cargo vessel anchored in the port of Chalkida, Evia Island, Greece.

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lessons learned from an incident where a person fell 2m between decks on an AHTS (Anchor handling vessel) alongside in port.