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Three actual incidents of armed robbery against ships (all CAT 4) in Asia between 1 – 7 August.

Two of the incidents occurred to barges towed by tug boats and the other incident occurred to a bulk carrier. All three incidents occurred while the ships were underway in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS).

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The Indonesian authorities, with the assistance of fishermen, successfully salvaged all 11 missing crew members of a vessel that sank in the Malacca Strait.

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On 2nd August, container ship MTT Singapore, ran aground onto right bank of Hugli River while sailing upstream in India.

According to news, the ship is having 338 containers on board. The grounding was caused by cargo ship proceeding in opposite direction. While the ship trying to avoid the collision, ran onto bank.

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Concerning rise in incidents involving vessels undergoing in-transit cargo fumigation leading to the accidental exposure of crew members to phosphine gas (PH3).