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A recent Safety Flash by IMCA focuses on an incident on a ship alongside. The incident occurred during the transfer of pipework between the quay and vessel.

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BSEE (United States Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) informs of an incident, where a BSEE inspector observed operator personnel installing a 100-foot high-pressure hose, with a Maximum Working Pressure (MWP) of 5000 psi, to test pressure safety valves on pipeline pumps, during a recent offshore inspection.

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A recent Safety Flash by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) focuses on an incident in which a crew person was changing the lamp bulbs on the vessel mast, working at a height of around 4m above the deck.

The incident 

The person was wearing a full set of PPE including a certified safety harness with a lanyard equipped with a shock absorber. There was a Permit to Work in place.

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Six seafarers have been finally released by pirates, after they have kidnapped them from a general cargo vessel on 30th June 2023.

In particular, these crew members were abducted from the Republic of Congo-controlled 1,300-dwt Oya 1 (constructed in 1986) at an anchorage off Doula based in Cameroon.