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North Korean missile tests are endangering the safety of commercial shipping in busy sea lanes in northeaster Asia without enough time given for notification.

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One CAT 4 incident of armed robbery against ships in Asia between 23 – 29 May.

One CAT 4 incident of armed robbery against ships in Asia.

The incident occurred on board a barge while being towed off Tanjung Piai, Malaysia in the precautionary area of the westbound lane of Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS), in the Singapore Strait (SS). Scrap metals were reported stolen from the barge.

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Earlier this month, a Teekay Tanker conducted two back-to-back migrant rescues in the Mediterranean, then transited to an Italian port.

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Airstrikes have been carried out in al Zawiya and at the fishing port of al-Maya, which is located 30 kilometres east of al Zawiya.