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On 12th September, a Mexican cargo ship ran aground at the Masatlán dock. The ship was evacuated as a precaution while authorities worked all night to stabilise it.

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A recent Safety Flash by the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) focuses on an incident in which a Chief Officer slipped and fell from a pilot ladder onto a lifeboat, suffering minor bruising.

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Over the past week, no incident of piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia was reported between 5th – 11th September.

Since January 2023, a total of 79 incidents comprising 78 actual incidents1 and one attempted incident2 of armed robbery against ships were reported to the Centre.

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According to forecasts from the National Supply Company (Conab) there is a shortage of warehouses for 118.5 million tons of grains in Brazil, forcing producers to store products like soybeans and corn in silo-bags or even in the open air, the Brazil P&I Club informs in a recent circular.