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The early wet season has commenced in a number of West African regions for this year, known locally as Mango Rains.

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Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK is an initiative launched by the Mental Health Foundation that aims to tackle stigma, raise awareness of mental health problems, and promote positive mental health.

This year it is scheduled for the week May 13-19.

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Often overlooked, dental cases are on the rise among seafarers. In 2023, dental cases moved from MedSea’s sixth most common case to the second.

This shift is not surprising, given that oral diseases afflict 50% of the world’s population, costing $387 billion per year in direct costs (dental visits) to the world economy. New research is now beginning to show that poor dental hygiene can impact on the rest of your body and contribute to other types of diseases.  

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Seafarers spend much of their working day wearing head protection, a crucial precaution in an industrial setting where the risk of head injuries is prevalent. Shipowners and operators should provide clear procedures and rules stipulating where and when head protection is necessary, ensuring the seafarers receive the appropriate safety equipment for their roles, free of charge. While the provided headgear is typically in a good condition, it is imperative for seafarers to handle and use it appropriately.