A warning about the fact that countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have reported approximately 4.6 million cases of dengue this year, with Brazil alone surpassing 3 million suspected cases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) actively monitors dengue outbreaks across at least 23 countries, with 17 located in the Americas. The increase in cases is attributed to environmental factors such as increased rainfall and rising global temperatures, both consequences of climate change. Port cities in Brazil, including Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Salvador, and Paranaguá, have reported significant dengue cases. 

Dengue is caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and presents symptoms such as high fever, muscle and joint pain, headache, and loss of appetite. Tests like RT-PCR, NS1 antigen, and serology can help identify dengue infection. Prevention measures include avoiding stagnant water, not disposing of garbage improperly, and using mosquito repellents.

Dengue symptoms range from mild to severe, including:

  • abdominal pain
  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • skin rash
  • high fever
  • muscle pain
  • headache
  • bleeding from gums and nose
  • loss of appetite

Full advisory at the following link.
