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A safety alert to raise awareness of lurking hazards caused by discarded munitions, which often contain active explosives or chemical agents.

Although the practice of dumping munitions into the sea ceased in 1970, a significant amount remains hidden in coastal waters, posing a safety hazard to commercial fisherman, dredge operators, and others who trawl and work the ocean floor.

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With stringent emissions targets rapidly approaching, shipping companies are considering a plethora of alternative fuels. Now, research from classification society DNV has revealed that methanol has overtaken LNG as the alternative fuel of choice. 

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In response to the persistent attacks by Houthis in the Red Sea area, international organizations with significant influence are actively seeking solutions on multiple fronts. 

Continuous attacks posing threats

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According to international news sources, Houthis claim that the Belize-flagged cargo ship they attacked on February 18, is at risk of sinking.