This article reads as for respect of War Risks and is applicable to the following Assureds and/or Co-assureds:

  • Assureds insured under the Association’s Charterers’ Liability Insurance Terms and Conditions.
  • Members insured under the Rules of Class 3 and/or Assureds insured under the Association’s Charterers’ Liability Insurance who are insured under the Association’s Additional Insurances Terms and Conditions.
  • Members insured under the Rules of Class 3 whose Certificates of Entry are endorsed to include non-Poolable cover.

Assureds will be aware of the deteriorating security situation affecting shipping transiting the Red Sea. The Association’s reinsurers have given notice of cancellation in respect of War Risks to the Association in respect of its non-Poolable reinsurance programme, which has necessitated the giving by the Association of a corresponding notice of cancellation.

The Association hereby gives notice in accordance with:

  • Charterers’ Liability Insurance Part III Clause 1.3, and
  • Additional Insurances Part III Clause 1.3

In respect of War Risks (as defined in Charterers’ Liability Insurance Part IV, Clause 6.1, and in Additional Insurances Part IV, Clause 6.1) is cancelled. Such notice shall become effective at 12:00:00 Greenwich Mean Time on 20 February 2024.

The Association hereby confirms in accordance with:

  • Charterers’ Liability Insurance Part IV Clause 6.2 and Part III, Clause 1, and
  • Additional Insurances Part IV Clause 6.2 and Part III, Clause 1

An effect from 12:00:00 Greenwich Mean Time on 20 February 2024 that cover will be reinstated in respect of War Risks except in respect of Assureds trading or being within the territorial waters of any of the following countries or places (including any port area that at the date of this notice constitutes part of such a country or place):

Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden and Southern Red Sea: The waters enclosed by the following boundaries:

  • on the northwest, by the Red Sea, south of Latitude 18°N
  • on the northeast, from the Yemen border at 16°38.5’N, 53°6.5’E to high seas point 14°55’N, 53°50’E
  • on the east, by a line from high seas point 14°55’N, 53°50’E to high seas point 10°48’N, 60°15’E, thence to high seas point 6°45’S, 48°45’E
  • and on the southwest, by the Somalia border at 1°40’S, 41°34’E, to high seas point 6°45’S, 48°45’E

Excepting coastal waters of adjoining territories up to 12 nautical miles offshore unless otherwise provided.

This notice of cancellation applies to War Risks cover only. All other terms of cover remain unchanged.

This notice of cancellation does not alter the position in respect of previously excluded areas and the Association’s circular dated 23 December 2022 continues to apply.

The Association is investigating the availability of suitable buyback cover.