The Panama Maritime Administration has issued a circular to provide guidance to Panama flag vessels following the Israel-Hamas Conflict that broke out on October 7th, 2023, urging all vessels to implement comprehensive security protocols and steer clear of the Mediterranean vicinity around the Gaza Strip.

In particular, on October 7, 2023, the Hamas militant group carried out a surprise attack against Israel,
which has created a serious risk to maritime security in this area.

For those Panama flag vessels in Israeli Ports or transiting the above zone must keep the utmost vigilance and increase security conditions aboard in order to protect the vessel and its crew.

The circular informs that port operations in the ports of Israel are limited, for which the Panama registered vessels that are in these ports and their crews must remain in port until the Israeli authorities grant permission for departure or disembarkment. The Israeli port of Ashkelon and its oil terminal have been closed in the wake of the conflict between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas.

During their stay in port, they must implement all security measures equivalent to Security Level III, as required in their Ship Security Plan in accordance with the ISPS Code.

Due to the above, commercial traffic has been threatened, therefore the Panama Maritime Administration strongly recommends following the recommendations listed below and, in any document issue by the Israeli Authorities:

  • Conduct a new ship- and voyage-specific threat risk assessment before entering any region where there has been an incident or the threat has changed.
  • After the risk assessment, review the Vessel Protection Plan.
  • Review section 2 of BMP5, which describes non-piracy threats and the Global Anti-Piracy Guide.
  • Maintain a complete and vigilant watch on the bridge; Note: At night, small, slow vessels without a wake are difficult to detect on radar.
  • Maintain strict surveillance of communications and establish communication with all approaching vessels. Do not allow small boats to approach or dock. Use a reflector to identify yourself at night.
  • Guarantee strict boarding controls.
  • Go down hallways or accommodation stairs only when necessary.
  • Install exterior lights where possible, provided they do not interfere with maintaining a safe lookout, especially aft, and install/use searchlights if available
  • Report any suspicious activity or objects immediately to both the port and UKMTO +442392222060.
  • Monitor relevant VHF and other communication channels.
  • Check all fire-fighting equipment available for immediate use. Make sure the emergency fire pump is available if any maintenance is being undertaken.
  • Keep the Automatic Information System (AIS) on. There is no need to complete the field stating the last or next port of call.

For safety, the automatic identification system (AIS) and the LRIT must be always turned on except in those cases where the captain considers that the security of the vessel could be compromised or when a security incident is imminent. In accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), in the same way, VHF Channel 16 must be monitored and communication must be maintained at all times with local authorities and with the Panama Maritime Administration. In those cases that the Captains / S.S.O. and the companies decide and consider the switch off of the aforementioned equipment, they must notify and report the status of the ship and its crew every 4 hours via email.

The Panama Maritime Authority recommends that all vessels follow the instructions of the local authorities regarding the transit of the crew in port areas. Review your communication security plan on board, in case of an unforeseen incident.