International Maritime Organization (IMO) has published its Monthly Piracy Report for the month of August, where piracy incidents are presented.

The following acts of piracy and armed robbery are allegedly committed against ships reported by IMO Member States or international organizations in consultative status.

1 In International waters 

  • Jal Kamal, Bulk carrier

The incident: While underway, the master reported to Singapore Vessel Traffic Information System (VTIS) East that one perpetrator was sighted in the engine room. The master raised the ship’s emergency alarm and all crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the perpetrator escaped immediately. Items including
main engine spares, generator spares and fuel injection pump were stolen. The crew was not injured.

  • Osaka Star, Bulk carrier

The incident: While underway, the master reported to Singapore Vessel Traffic Information System (VTIS) West that four perpetrators were sighted in the engine room. The ship’s alarm was raised and crew mustered. A search was conducted on board the ship and at about 2245 hrs, the search was completed with no further sighting of the perpetrators. All crew members were safe and some main engine spare parts were missing. The ship continued to proceed to Singapore to pick up pilot at Pilot Eastern Boarding Ground “B” at 0100 hrs.

  • Doric Warrior, Bulk carrier

The incident: Ten robbers armed with knives and steel bars boarded a bulk carrier underway and entered the Engine Room. They took hostage and tied up the 3/E in the Engine Control Room. Prior to escaping, the robbers stole engine spares. On activation of the dead man alarm, the C/E found the 3/E tied up and immediately informed the Master. General alarm raised and incident reported to Singapore VTS. Coast Guard boarded the vessel for investigation.

  • Sophocles Graecia, Bulk carrier

The incident: While underway, the master reported to Singapore VTIS West that three perpetrators were sighted in the engine room. The ship’s alarm was raised and crew mustered. A search was conducted on board the ship and at about 0447 hrs, the search was completed with no further sighting of the perpetrators. All crew members were safe. At about 0521 hrs, the master updated that some main engine spare parts were missing. The ship continued to proceed to Singapore to pick up pilot at Pilot Eastern Boarding Ground “B” at 0530 hrs.

2 In port area

  • CNC Pluto, Container ship

The incident: Eight robbers armed with guns boarded an anchored ship. They took the duty crew hostage, tied him up and stole his cell phone. Alam raised and the crew mustered. Seeing the alerted crew, the robbers escaped. The incident was reported to VTMS and Philippines Coast Guard boarded the ship for investigation.

  • Shotan, Chemical tanker

The incident: Duty crew onboard an anchored tanker noticed three robbers armed with knives near the engine room. The robbers threatened the duty crew, who fled from the vicinity and raised the alarm resulting in the robbers escaping with stolen engine spare parts.

  • SLNC Severn, Bulk carrier

The incident: Duty crew onboard a berthed ship noticed three robbers armed with knives at the forecastle. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm, the robbers escaped with stolen ship’s stores. Incident reported to the local authorities through the local agent.

  • Anggun, Rescue/standby ship

The incident: Around five unauthorised persons in a canoe approached and attempted to board an anchored vessel twice within 48 hours. Alert crew raised the alarm resulting in the persons aborting the attempted boarding and moving away. Incident reported to local authorities via VHF.

Full advisory at the following link.