A recent Safety Flash by IMCA focuses on an incident on a ship alongside. The incident occurred during the transfer of pipework between the quay and vessel.

The incident

The incident is still under investigation by the local authorities. This flash serves to raise awareness, as lifting operations are a regular occurrence in offshore operations along with mobilisation and demobilisation and there is the potential for similar incidents to occur on IMCA members’

  • Lifting operations:
    • Never exceed safe working load (SWL) during lifting operations;
    • Never walk under a suspended load
    • Identify all entrapment and crush areas;
    • Be aware of sudden load movement and loads swinging;
    • Ensure effective barriers are in place to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Objects with roll or fall potential:
    • Secure all loads that have the potential to roll before lifting, loading, unloading or transporting;
    • Pay close attention when moving loads with all forms of transport;
    • What will you do if the load shifts? Stay out of the line of fire;
    • Secure objects that can roll such as tools, cylinders and poles.
  • Dropped object cone of exposure (drop zones):

A controlled ‘drop zone’ should be half the height of the potential drop where possible with the area increased if potential exists for the falling object to be deflected by an obstacle, structure, wind and weather conditions.