On July 12th, an explosion and ensuing fire were reported on the oil tanker Ratu Yamani near Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The Indonesian Navy patrol boat KRI Escolar was patrolling the same waters when her crew heard the tanker explode about three nautical miles off their port bow. The KRI Escolar-871 came to aid and rescued 12 crew members.

Later that evening, the Laksmana 241 SAR boat arrived on the scene. Two tugboats had also arrived in the region to assist with firefighting efforts, which were completed successfully later that evening.

The SAR crew from Basarnas Banjarmasin kept an eye on the firefighting actions of two tugs. Following the cooling process, the Basarnas Banjarmasin SAR team did a thorough check of the tanker to ensure there were no further victims still trapped within.