Five incidents were reported on board ships while underway in the eastbound lane of the Singapore Strait, from 3 – 13 June 2023.

Two incidents occurred on 3 June, and three incidents on consecutive days of 11, 12 and 13 June.

The two incidents on 3 June occurred off Pulau Nongsa, Batam Island (Indonesia) and Pulau Tondang, Bintan Island (Indonesia) while the ships were underway in the eastbound lane of the TSS. In one incident, the perpetrators were armed with knives, and no report of the perpetrators with arms in the other incident. The crew was not injured in both incidents. Engine spares were stolen in one incident, and nothing was stolen in the other.

The three incidents on 11, 12 and 13 Jun occurred off Pulau Iyu Kecil (Indonesia) and Pulau Cula (Indonesia). Two incidents occurred in the eastbound lane of the TSS and one incident in the precautionary area. The perpetrators were armed with knives in two incidents, and a shovel-like weapon in the third incident. In all three incidents, the perpetrators were sighted in the steering gear room. The crew was not injured and nothing was stolen in all three incidents.

With these five incidents, a total of 34 incidents were reported in the SS since January 2023. As the perpetrators are not arrested, there is a possibility of further
incidents in the Singapore Strait.

To increase patrols/surveillance in their respective waters, respond promptly to incidents reported by ships, strengthen coordination and promote information sharing on incidents and criminal groups involved to arrest the perpetrators. The Centre continues to look forward for a positive outcome from the Indonesia-Singapore Coordinated Patrols in securing the Singapore Strait and Phillip Channel shipping lanes.

All ships are advised to intensify vigilance and maintain sharp look-out while transiting the areas of concern, particularly during hours of darkness, adopt preventive measures and report all incidents immediately to the nearest coastal State.

Number and Location of Incidents in the Singapore Strait (January-June 2023)

A total of 34 incidents that occurred on board ships while underway in the SS during January-June 2023 (as of 13 Jun). From a month-to-month comparison, the number of incidents during January-June 2023 has increased compared to January-June 2022 (27 incidents). The increase occurred in the month of March, April and June 2023.

An increase of incidents in the SS, in particular, the cluster of incidents off Pulau Cula (Indonesia) [14 incidents], and the involvement of armed perpetrators as reported in nine of the 14 incidents in this cluster.