Earlier this month, a Teekay Tanker conducted two back-to-back migrant rescues in the Mediterranean, then transited to an Italian port.

According to Teekay, while they were underway for discharge in Italy, their vessel, Copper Spirit diverted her journey after receiving instructions from the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Rome.

Then, they alerted for assistance towards a distressed boat at sea and immediately heeded the call as part of their seafaring duty to protect lives at sea.

Despite the hours of darkness, Copper Spirit arrived on scene and rescued all 35 souls and was again instructed to proceed further north to embark more survivors.

As informed, after successfully completing the first and second rescue operation, they safely disembarked a total of 107 survivors.

Although it is part of international law, saving lives at sea is also a moral obligation and a strong personal belief of all seafarers across the globe,”