The Cargo Fire & Loss Innovation Initiative is calling for innovators to come forward with solutions for early-stage fire detection, one of the most important issues in the drive to mitigate container loss.

Following extensive knowledge sharing among the group, the need for improved fire-detection systems in container cargo holds has been identified as the most pressing area of focus. The Initiative is therefore calling on technology companies to come forward with suitable solutions in early-stage fire detection for cargo holds.

This open call is looking for low-cost, robust solutions with the appropriate form factors to operate in the cargo-hold environment. Interested technology companies should outline how the proposed solutions will deliver these requirements. Technology companies with potential solutions to the challenge are being encouraged to submit applications here by the end of May.

Early fire detection, or identifying a fire-risk prior to ignition, is critically important to minimise the likelihood of a large-scale fire, therefore advancing successful containment without the creation of significant loss and any associated marine impact.

There is a real need to understand how technology can help container operators minimise fire risk.

The Cargo Fire & Loss Innovation Initiative (CFLII), a technology acceleration initiative to reduce cargo fires and losses overboard, is asking technology providers to come forward to solve the issue of fire detection in cargo holds.

Ships are larger in size and have exponentially increased their carrying capacity, including dangerous goods, increasing the risk of threat to the safety of lives, vessel, cargo, and the environment.