On April 1st, the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) in collaboration with Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore, released an informative infographic with measures to prevent piracy.

With the increase of theft, robbery and piracy at sea (TRAPS) incidents at the Singapore Strait, IFC has prepared an infographic on resource light measures that they recommend the master to adopt while transiting in the area of concerns especially the Phillip channel and Singapore Strait.

Key Observations and Insights – From Sea Robbery Incident Reports

  • The modus operandi of perpetrators remains consistent with that of petty crime: (a) avoided confrontation, and (b) fled immediately upon being sighted by ship crew
  • In majority of the reported incidents, perpetrators boarded the targeted vessels from the aft using grapnel hook or ladder
  • Hence, IFC assess that the adoption of basic shipboard protection when transiting known hotspots would suffice to deter potential perpetrators from even attempting to board vessel, without imposing additional load to ship crew