Lessons learned from an incident where an outlet pipe of the exhaust fan of a dryer onboard was blocked with lint, which could have caused a fire.

The incident

During a weekly inspection of the laundry room on a vessel, rags and lint twisted together were found in the exhaust fan of one of the dryers. Further investigation revealed more accumulated lint in the dryers’ outlet exhaust pipe.

When the end of the outlet pipe was removed to check the inside, it was found to be almost completely blocked with lint.

Our member notes that it would only have taken a small spark, short circuit or static electricity inside the drying machine for there to have been a fire.

Probable cause

There was no regular checking or cleaning of filters and exhaust ducting. Build-up of dust and residue inside the exhaust ducting could have caused the safe operational temperature limits of the dryer to be exceeded, with the possible consequence of a fire.

Lessons learned

  • Ensure regular check and clean of tumble dryer exhausts and filters;
  • Regular check of ventilation pipes and systems which may create lint traps where lint accumulates over a long period of time, creating a potential fire hazard;
  • Ensure design and installation of tumble dryers enables easy and full access to exhaust ducting and filters.