A dock worker was injured in the early hours of April 28, in a work-related accident in the port of Piraeus.

Specifically, Greek media reported that at the container terminal, during work on a ship, the ship’s guardrails broke and a dock worker fell into the gap from a height of 12 meters.

The dock worker was injured and has now been transported to the hospital in serious condition. From information by local sites, the dock workers complained that there was no previous security check on the ship.

In fact, one of the constant demands of the ENEDEP dock workers union is the preventive control for the safety measures on the ships, before the dock workers go to work on them.

Now, after a call from ENEDEP, the works on piers II and III of COSCO stopped, the workers of the shift of the unfortunate dock worker went on strike, while the workers of the next shift go on a new work stop.